Me pēhea te ki te Tapia Excel kōnae Hapa Ohorere

kōnae Excel ko te kōnae raraunga i hanga nei e Excel, wahi tino rongonui o Microsoft hua e whakamahia ana te ao MS Office. te mahi Excel ki ripakaute i he whakakapinga mamati o pukapuka pepa. Ka taea e ngā kōnae Excel rokiroki raraunga i roto i te tikanga tino whakaritea i reira ka taea e te kaiwhakamahi te mahi tātaitanga pāngarau ki te tātai pūtaiao tāmau me ngā mahi tātai rite tua, tangohanga, te whakarea, me te wehenga. Ka taea te whakamahi ripakaute Excel mō te tātari pūtea te wahi e whai wāhi tātai matatini e hāngai ana i runga i ngā tawhā rauangi.

riro MS Excel kua he wahi whakahauanga o pakihi nui, me tono engineering / pūtaiao nga wahi katoa wāhi uaua, me te pūkenga tätaitanga raraunga tau te. hua Tere me tika e hāngai ana i runga i tātai te whariki o te kaiwhakamahi me ngā tawhā tohu pānga whānui i roto i te pukamahi katoa ko te āhuatanga tino nui o MS Excel.

Overview o hapa "kōnae Excel Hapa ohorere"

"Kua puta mai tētahi hapa ohorere. WhakaoraAunoa e monokia ana hoki tenei wātū o Excel." Kia whakaatu i te karere hapa mō ngā take.

Mahi ki ngā pūnaha rorohiko, he tauwhatinga mana, whakaeke huaketo, tukinga puku mārō tetahi ahua o Excel hē ranei, kia pā whārangi Excel ki te whānuitanga e kia raraunga wāhanga tino ranei riro uaua. Ko te aha tatou e kiia rite Excel kōnae pirau kōnae ranei kino. Rere Excel i runga i ngā kōnae kino mutu Excel ki te puta, ka whakatupato i te kaiwhakamahi te i roto i ngā karere hapa.

excel file unexpected error

Part 1: Me pēhea te ki te Tapia Excel Kōnae Hapa Ohorere

1. Ko te Tool Tapia Kōnae Best Excel

He MS Excel etahi ara Kikī roto reira ki te tīmata aunoa hanga me te ora o te kōnae Excel raro ki te inaccessibility mo tetahi te atu take ranei engari ka taea e hapai i te reira i te pirau kōnae ki te tetahi rohe anake. I tua atu i taua kaiwhakamahi e hiahia ana etahi otinga whānui rawa mātanga i roto i te puka o te rōpū tuatoru taputapu Excel hanga.

Oranga Phoenix Excel kōnae hanga whaipainga ko te pūmanawa mātanga, me te rawa pono e taea hanga katoa o xlsx XLS kōnae kua kino ranei. Kakau reira huru ā ranei āhuatanga o pukamahi me raumahi ia whāwhā kōnae hanga Excel hapa ohorere. Ko te Excel taputapu hanga pai rite ora reira te kitenga hiahia whakaora taketake matatau ranei katoa raraunga.

Microsoft Excel Repair Tool
  • Ora ahua katoa o te raraunga penapena i roto i pakaru hira kōnae pērā i tepu, ngā tūtohi, tātai, kōrero, whakaahua, me ētahi atu
  • Whakaora katoa o koutou kōnae Excel kino ki to ratou tu taketake.
  • Arokite i te kōnae Excel hanga ko i roto i te wā-tūturu, kite i te nui o te kōnae kua ora ake rite kei te hanga ana i te reira.
  • ahua katoa o MS hapa tari pirau (mo XLS me ngā kōnae xlsx anake) e taea te whawha ki tenei taputapu.
  • Ka taea te whakamahi i tēnei taputapu kōnae hanga Excel i runga i rua matapihi me tüäpapa Mac i roto i te tikanga ki te hanga kino kaka kōnae.
  • ahua katoa o MS hapa tari pirau (mo XLS me ngā kōnae xlsx anake) e taea te whawha ki tenei taputapu.
  • Ka taea e tēnei taputapu kōnae hanga Excel hanga kōnae tūkinotia o putanga katoa i 2000 ki te 2016 e ngā 2000, 2003, 2007, 2010, 2013, me ētahi atu

E hāngai ana te whaipainga te i runga i hātepe mātanga ki te rapu me te whakaora humarie i hanga kōnae Excel hapa ohorere .

2. Tapia hapa kōnae Excel ki Tool Tapia Stellar Excel

Oranga hanga Phoenix Excel ko te whakaora whaipainga Excel whakamahia whānuitia i te tahua aia kaha taputapu hanga Excel. A pee i te kaupae ohie muri ki te hanga kino kōnae Excel :

Hipanga 1 download Free Stellar Excel taputapu hanga, me te whakarewa i te reira i runga i tō rorohiko, ki te rapu o koutou kōnae Excel kino i te puku rohe;

repeir excel file unexpected error step 1

Hipanga 2 whakaatu nga kōnae Excle kino katoa i roto i te wāhanga hua, tīpako maha kōnae Excel kino ki te tīmata tukanga hanga;

repeir excel file unexpected error step 1

Hipanga 3 I muri kōnae Excel tīpakohia katoa e hanga ana pai, arokite i te kōnae Excel hanga ko.

repeir excel file unexpected error step 1

Hipanga 4 tiaki i nga kōnae Excel hanga ko ki to koutou tauwāhi pai.

repeir excel file unexpected error step 1


MS Excel whakarato kōwhiringa hanga mo pakaru kōnae Excel, engari e kore e taea kore reira ora āhuatanga katoa o te pukamahi, ka kore ki te hanga hapa kōnae Excel. Ngå āhuatanga katoa o te pukamahi pakaru ko tera taha o te hōkai o kaha whakaratohia. Oranga Excel kōnae hanga whaipainga noatia e taea te whakatika i nga mea katoa o te hanga me te faaoraraa e.

Whakaora Kōnae Office

Tapia Kōnae Excel +
  1. Tapia Excel Hapa ohorere
  2. Whakatika MS Office Excel
  3. Tapia Hapa Excel Tūmahi
  4. Tapia Hōputu Excel
  5. Pūmanawa Whakaora Excel
  6. Whakaora Tūtohi Excel
  7. Whakaora Tūemi Excel
  8. Whakaora pirau Excel
  9. Kāore e taea te Tapia Excel Whakatūwhera
  10. Whakaora Pukamahi Raraunga
  11. Hapa Raparongoā Excel
  12. Whakatika Hapa Excel
  13. Whakaora Hapa Excel
  14. Hanga Kōnae pirau Excel
  15. Whakatika Tātai Excel
Tapia Kupu Kōnae +
  1. Whakaora Word 2013
  2. Hanga Kōnae Kupu Broken
  3. Tapia Doc me te kōnae Doc
  4. Tapia MS Kōnae Kupu
  5. Raparongoā Tuhinga tūkinotia
  6. Tool Whakaora Kupu
  7. Whakaora Kuputuhi Kupu
  8. Whakaora Ngā Pane ko Hiku
  9. Hanga Kōnae Crash Kupu
  10. Hanga Kōnae pirau docx
  11. Whakaora Kōnae Office
  12. Whakatika Whakamunatia Kōnae Kupu
  13. Whakatika Kōnae Kupu
  14. Hapa Whakawaehere Tapia
  15. Whakaora Kupu Pikitia
  16. Tapia Kupu Associations
Hapa Whakatika Kōnae Excel +
  1. Whakatika e kore e taea te Excel Pānuitia
  2. Whakatika Hapa Excel 1004
  3. Whakatika Hapa Excel 13
  4. Hapa Whakatika Ahanoa
  5. Whakatika Excel 2007
  6. Whakatika Hapa Rahunga Excel
  7. Whakatika Hapa Excel Papatopenga
  8. Whakatika Hapa Excel Pate
  9. Whakatika Kōnae paari Excel
  10. Whakatika e kore e taea te Excel Whakatūwhera
  11. Whakatika Excel Tuhinga
Hapa Whakatika Kōnae Excel +
  1. Hanga Hapa Kupu
  2. Whakatika Kupu Ihirangi Kōnae
  3. Whakatika Kōnae Kupu rahua ki Tiaki
  4. Whakatika Word 2007
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