Stellar Repair PST - Cel mai bun PST Repair Tool

Fișierele PST fac parte din MS Outlook. Un 2GB estimat de date pot fi stocate într-un fișier PST. O gamă largă de date pot fi incluse într-un fișier Outlook PST. De exemplu, puteți avea note, sarcini, întâlniri, intrări de jurnal, atașamente, mesaje e-mail și contacte conținute într-un fișier PST. Fișierele PST pot fi deschise folosind orice versiune a Microsoft Outlook. Există o serie de versiuni de MS Outlook, care sunt disponibile toate utilizează același format de fișier PST. Din moment ce acestea conțin o mare cantitate de date, fișierele PST să ia o mulțime de spațiu pe unitatea HDD.

Probleme ale pst Problema

It is a fact that Outlook PST files are extremely stable. They are among the most resistant to corruption in the Microsoft Office Suite. However, even they can sometimes encounter problems. The most common reason for these problems is corruption. When an Outlook PST file becomes corrupted, it will start behaving abnormally and become unresponsive. It might begin to display error messages when you try to open the corrupted Outlook PST file. If every method of Outlook PST repair fails then you will have to make use of a PST repair tool to resolve the problem.

Corruption of PST files can result due to a number of factors. For instance, if there is an issue with the Operating system that you are utilizing on your PC then it will keep on damaging the files that are being run on it. Both Windows and Mac OS X have been known to develop problems if they haven’t been installed properly or have been in use for a long time without getting an upgrade. So, if you want to ensure that your PST files don’t get corrupted that often then it is best for you to upgrade your Windows or Mac OS X version immediately when an update becomes available.

Part 1: Stellar PST Repair - The Best PST Repair Tool

If your Outlook PST files have been corrupted and are not opening then it is a big cause of concern for you. The Outlook PST files can contain some very important emails that might be needed in the future as well. If you don’t act fast then the emails contained in the Outlook PST files will become lost to your forever. There are a number of PST repair tools available in the market that can help you in this regard. However, if you are looking for the best PST repair tool among them then you will have to choose the Stellar PST Repair.

outlook pst repair
  • Recovers all mailbox components within the files such as emails, attachments, contacts, calendar items, journals, notes, etc.
  • Recovers Accidentally Deleted Emails that were purged by mistake or lost due to unplanned system formatting
  • Allows saving recovered mails in EML, MSG, RTF, HTML, and PDF formats
  • Supports repair of encrypted & password protected PST files
  • Enables you arrange scanned emails using various criteria such as 'Date', ‘From’, 'To’, 'Subject', 'Type', 'Attachment', and 'Importance'
  • Repairs corrupt Outlook file created in MS Outlook 2016, 2013, 2010, 2007, 2003, 2002 (XP), & 2000 and MS Office 2016, 2013, 2010 (64-bit version), 2007 & 2003;Supports Windows 10, 8, 7, Vista.

Part 2: How to Repair Corrupted PST File

This instruction manual has been devised especially for beginners who want to learn how to perform Outlook PST repair using the Stellar Phoenix Outlook PST Repair.

Step 1 Select Outlook PST files from your local drive;

repair corrupt pst file step 1

Step 2 After scanning finished, all corrupt PST files list in the result section;

repair corrupt pst file step 2

Step 3 All selected PST file repaired successfully, you can preview the repaired PST files;

repair corrupt pst file step 3

Step 4 Click the ‘OK’ option after having selected the file format and saving location for the repaired PST files.

repair corrupt pst file step 4

File de reparare

File de reparare Instrumentul +
  1. Instrumentul de reparare fișiere
  2. Reparatii fișier de nerecunoscut
  3. Reparatii fișier MS Office
  4. PST Instrumentul de reparare
  5. repararea software-ului Word
  6. Instrumentul de reparare docx
  7. Repararea fișier Word
Fișier de reparare Oficiul +
  1. Eroare de reparare fișier Office
  2. Repararea fișierelor de eroare imposibil de citit
  3. Repararea fișier Office deteriorat
  4. Restaurare fișier Corrupted Oficiul
  5. Fix fișier Office deteriorat
  6. Repararea fișierul deteriorat
  7. eșecuri de aplicare de reparare
  8. Repararea Prăbușit fișier
  9. Repararea fișier Office inaccessed
  10. Fix fișierele Office corupte
  11. Reparat fișier MS Office
  12. Recuperare fișiere Office corupte
  13. Repara corupt PPXT
  14. Reparatii Microsoft Office
  15. Repararea conținutului fișierului XLSX
  16. Reparatii fișiere Excel
  17. Repararea fișierelor Recuperat
  18. FLV de reparare
  19. Repararea Recuperat video
  20. Fișierele de reparare Doc
  21. Reparatii Offcie Document
Fișier Zip Repair +
  1. Recuperare fișier ZIP Corupt
  2. Repararea deteriorat fișier Zip
  3. Repararea fișierelor Zip
  4. Repararea virus Fișier Zip
  5. Extrage date din fișier Zip
  6. Zip file Recovery
  7. Zip file repair tool
  8. Large Zip file recovery
  9. Recover Zip file data
  10. Repair Corrupt Zip file
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