Cum de a repara erorile Hard Disk

Hard discuri sunt mediile de stocare primară, care este instalat pe un PC sau laptop. Ei stoca toate datele importante și fișiere. Dacă hard disk-ul începe să se confruntă cu probleme, atunci acesta va provoca erori să apară în mod frecvent, care se face referire ca erori de hard disk. Va trebui să stabilească erori de hard disk, dacă doriți să salvați în prezent datele de pe hard disk.

erori de hard disk sunt o priveliște comună pentru utilizatorii de Windows. Veți vedea aceste erori atunci când Windows începe să aibă dificultăți în accesarea datelor stocate pe hard disk. De la viruși la erori umane de întreținere a sistemului săraci, hard disk-uri se pot comporta anormal pentru a începe o serie de motive. Rezultatul unei erori de hard disk, de obicei, este de fișier și pierderea de date. Cu excepția cazului în ceva se face rapid pentru a repara erorile de hard disk, puteți pierde datele stocate pe hard disk.

Part 1: How to Use Chkdsk to Fix Hard Disk Errors

Chkdsk is an effective command-line tool that can be used for the purpose of fixing hard disk errors.

Step 1: Click on your hard disk once to highlight and select it after having double-clicked on the My Computer icon located on the desktop. You will see a dialog box appearing after you have right-clicked on the hard disk.

Step 2: Press the Properties option and then the Tools option in the dialog box that appears.

Step 3: Press ‘Check Now’ below Error-checking. You will see a window showing the Check Disk Options.

Step 4: Utilize any one of the below-mentioned processes:

Windows versions released before Windows 8 display the following message if you have a single or more than one file opened from the hard disk that is to be repaired.

“The disk check wasn’t performed as the utility requires access to a few of the Windows files located on the disk. Restarting Windows can help in accessing these files. Would you like to set up the disk check when the PC restarts the next time?”

Press ‘Yes’ if you see this message to set up the disk check. Now, start the disk check process by restarting your PC.

While the above-mentioned method to fix hard disk errors is extremely potent, it is not always able to get the job done. In such circumstances, it becomes necessary for you to recover data from hard disk or you will risk losing all of the data that is contained on it.

Part 2: How to Recover Data from Hard Disk

The best means of recovering data from hard disk is using a third-party data recovery tool. You can find a wide range of these tools on the internet. The best one among them though is Wondershare Data recovery software. It can be used to fix hard disk errors with consummate ease and can retcover data from hard disks as well.

best data recovery software
  • Recover lost or deleted files, photos, audio, music, emails from any storage device effectively, safely and completely.
  • Supports data recovery from recycle bin, hard drive, memory card, flash drive, digital camera and camcorders.
  • Supports to recover data for sudden deletion, formatting, hard drive corruption, virus attack, system crash under different situations.
  • Preview before recovery allows you to make a selective recovery.
  • Supported OS: Windows 10/8/7/XP/Vista, Mac OS X (Mac OS X 10.6, 10.7 and 10.8, 10.9, 10.10 Yosemite, 10.10, 10.11 El Capitan, 10.12 Sierra) on iMac, MacBook, Mac Pro etc.
3981454 people have downloaded it

Here is guide containing step-by-step instructions on how to use Wondershare Data Recovery software to recover data from hard disk.

Step 1 Select the type files you want to recover, you can select "all type files" option.

recover lost data from hard disk

Step 2 Chooes the specific locaiton where your files lost from.

recover data from hard disk

Step 3 You can select the options of deep scan, if you can't find your files after quick scan.

deep scan hard drive

Step 4 Preveiw the recovered data from hard disk and save.

recover data from hard disk

Hard disk errors can lead to file loss issues if they are not tackled in a timely fashion. You can use various methods to repair and fix hard disk errors. Chkdsk is one of the best options that you can utilize for this purpose. However, if you wish to perform data recovery from the hard disk then it would be best for you to use Wondershare data recovery software.

3981454 people have downloaded it

Erori de hard-disk

Erori de hard - disk +
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  2. Fix Nerespectarea hard disk
  3. I / O eroare de dispozitiv
  4. Fix Erori Hard Disk
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