Me pēhea te ki te Tapia Excel Hapa whakangaromanga Kōnae

MS Excel ko te pūmanawa pai i roto i te ao mō te faaineine pūtea moni o kaimahi. Kei te ngā whakamahia te reira e te pakihi iti mō tenei whakaaro. Ko te take hoki tenei ko e ko tino ngāwari ki te whakamahi MS Excel me he atanga ratarata-kaiwhakamahi rawa e hanga pai i te reira mo e rua kaiwhakamahi mātanga, me te tauhou. Ano, ko te momo o tātai me mahi e tuku tenei pūmanawa hanga e tika ana i te reira no te mahi tātai uaua, me te tātaritanga raraunga te hau. Ahakoa he hōtaka pūmanawa pono, he ētahi wā e pängia ana ki te hapa MS Excel. Ki te tangata e kino te kōnae Excel ka tīmata te pūmanawa e whakaatu ana katoa o ngā karere hapa ki te kaiwhakamahi.

Wāhanga 1: Excel Karere Hapa whakangaromanga Kōnae

Na e kore e te haere i te reira ki te whakatuwhera Ki kua kino koutou kōnae Excel te hopoia. Engari, i reira te mea he tupono tiketike e e haere koe ki te kite i tetahi o te whai ake flash karere hapa i te pirau i runga i to koutou mata.

1. "Excel taea ki te pānui i te kōnae."

puta tēnei karere hapa ina ngana koe ki te whakatuwhera i tētahi kōnae pakaru kino ranei. e kore e taea ki te tiki ki te whakatuwhera i te reira MS Excel me te kupu whakaatu i te karere e kore e taea e te pānui i te reira i te kōnae.

Take: Ko te take taea aha puta tenei kupu ngā whakaweto ohorere o te pūnaha i te hapa kōpae mārō ranei.

2. "Kua tūpono Microsoft Excel te raruraru, me te hiahia ki te kati."

Kei te nuinga o kitea tēnei karere hapa ina ngana koe ki te whakatuwhera i tētahi kōnae i roto i te MS Excel e te rānei kua kino ranei pakaru. Ka rite ki te pūmanawa kore e taea te whakatuwhera i te reira, whakaaturia tenei karere te utu.

Take: Ko te take taea hoki te issuance o tenei karere hapa ko pirau o te kōnae tono o te pūmanawa MS Excel.

3. "E kore te mea tenei kōnae i roto i te hōputu mōhiotia."

Kei te maha kitea tēnei karere hapa ina te whakatuwheratia he kōnae i e kua pakaru kua kino ranei i te kaiwhakamahi. tamata MS Excel ki te whakatuwhera i te reira, engari kore ki te rave i te reira, a ka tuku ake i te hapa e whai ake nei.

Take: Ko te take taea aha puta tenei karere hapa e mate huaketo, hapa kōpae mārō me ngā take ki te pūmanawa MS Excel.

4. "Ko kino te kōnae, me te kore e taea te whakatuwheratia"

Ko te karere hapa e whai ake he whaiaro-whakamārama i roto i te natura. Reira mārama kī e he kino te kōnae Excel e te tamata i te kaiwhakamahi ki te whakatuwhera a te kupu e kore e taea te whakatuwheratia.

Take: Ko te take taea hoki te issuance o tenei karere hapa ngā, whakaweto ohorere pūnaha, mate huaketo me ngā take ki te pūnaha whakahaere.

5. "kitea Excel ihirangi tē i roto i (ingoakōnae)"

tohu ano tenei karere hapa i kua i te kōnae Excel e kei te whakatuwheratia e te kaiwhakamahi kua kino te hopoia.

Take: Ko te take taea hoki te pirau o te kōnae Excel e hua i roto i tenei karere hapa ko rānei he take ki te pūmanawa MS Excel he tarai mana mau hooraa ranei.

"E kore te mea tika ingoa Kōnae." 6.

whakaaturia tēnei karere hapa e MS Excel ina te ngana te kaiwhakamahi ki te whakaora i te kōnae Excel te whakamahi i te ingoa kōnae e kei roto etahi pūāhua kārimākā.

Take: Ko te take taea hoki tenei karere hapa ko e te pūāhua e whakamahia mō te tiaki i te kōnae Excel kahore e whakaaetia e te pūmanawa.

7. "abc.xls" kōnae kore e taea te uru. Kia pānui i te kōnae anake. "

whakaaturia tēnei karere hapa e MS Excel ina te whakatuwheratia te kōnae pangia kua kino ranei i te kaiwhakamahi. Ka rite ki te pūmanawa kore ki te whakatuwhera i te kōnae, reira hoko noa tenei karere hapa i runga i te mata o te kaiwhakamahi.

Take: Ko te take taea mo te hanganga o tenei karere hapa ko whakaweto ohorere o te pūnaha.

Wāhanga 2: Ata hoki Messages Hapa noa whakangaromanga

Mau faaotiraa: Ko te whai e te tahi mau whakatikanga āwhina e taea te whakamahi ki te hanga kino kōnae Excel, me te whakatika i te pirau noa hapa karere.

-Try te Āhuahira 'Open me Tapia': kua MS Excel he hanga-i roto i te āhuatanga i te ingoa o 'Open me Tapia'. Ka taea e koe te tamata te whakamahi i tēnei āhuatanga ki te mahi i te kōnae te hanga Excel. Here he pehea koe e taea e te whakamahi i tēnei āhuatanga:

  1. Tīmata MS Excel. Pāwhiritia 'Open' i muri i te pāwhiri i te tahua 'Kōnae'.
  2. Ka puta te pouaka kōrero mō te kōwhiringa 'Open'. Kōwhiritia te kōnae Excel e ko ki kia whakatuwheratia, ka patua i runga i te pātene tahua taka-iho kitea i runga i te pātene 'Open'.
  3. I roto i te tahua taka-iho e puta, whiriwhiri te āhuatanga 'Open me Tapia'.

Part 3: Tapia Kōnae pirau Excel ki Pūmanawa Tapia Excel

Ki te kore e te whakatika whakahuatia i runga ake te mahi ka ko reira pai ki te hanga whakamahi o te taputapu hanga Excel mō te whakatika i ngā kōnae Excel kino. Oranga Tapia Phoenix Excel ko te taputapu pai hoki tenei whakaaro. Ko te take hoki tenei ko e ko te reira te anake hira taputapu hanga e wātea ana i roto i te mākete e kua te kaha ki te hanga kino kōnae Excel me ona āhuatanga katoa tonu.

Microsoft Excel Repair Tool
  • Ora ahua katoa o te raraunga penapena i roto i pakaru hira kōnae pērā i tepu, ngā tūtohi, tātai, kōrero, whakaahua, me ētahi atu
  • Whakaora katoa o koutou kōnae Excel kino ki to ratou tu taketake.
  • Arokite i te kōnae Excel hanga ko i roto i te wā-tūturu, kite i te nui o te kōnae kua ora ake rite kei te hanga ana i te reira.
  • ahua katoa o MS hapa tari pirau (mo XLS me ngā kōnae xlsx anake) e taea te whawha ki tenei taputapu.
  • Ka taea te whakamahi i tēnei taputapu kōnae hanga Excel i runga i rua matapihi me tüäpapa Mac i roto i te tikanga ki te hanga kino kaka kōnae.
  • ahua katoa o MS hapa tari pirau (mo XLS me ngā kōnae xlsx anake) e taea te whawha ki tenei taputapu.
  • Ka taea e tēnei taputapu kōnae hanga Excel hanga kōnae tūkinotia o putanga katoa i 2000 ki te 2016 e ngā 2000, 2003, 2007, 2010, 2013, me ētahi atu

Whakatika pirau Kōnae Excel ki Tool Tapia Excel

Tenei ko te aratohu taahiraa-i te-taahiraa e e whakaatu ki a koe e founga koe e taea e kaka hanga kōnae te whakamahi i te pūmanawa Tapia Excel .

Hipanga 1 Hei tāpiri kōnae ki te pūmanawa Tapia Excel te whakamahi i te 'Tāpiri Kōnae' kōwhiringa.

fix corrupt excel file step 1

Hipanga 2 rapu kōnae e hiahia ki te kia e hanga ana te whakamahi i te kōwhiringa 'Rapu Kōnae' e ngā, 'Tīpakohia Kōpaki', 'Rapu (s) Kōnae', me te 'Tīpakohia Kōnae'.

fix corrupt excel file step 2

Hipanga 3 Hei te matawai i te kōnae kino e te me hiahia ki te kia e hanga ana mā te pāwhiri i te pātene 'Karapa' kei e te i te raro o te matapihi matua o te pūmanawa.

fix corrupt excel file step 3

Hipanga 4 Ka taea e koe te arokite i te ngā āhuatanga o te kōnae kino, i te mea ki te kia e hanga ana e te pāwhiri rua i runga taua mea i te rākau whānau kei runga maui o te mata.

fix corrupt excel file step 4

Hipanga 5 Whakaorangia te kōnae ka hanga ko e te whakamahi i te 'Kōwhiringa Arā' e ngā, 'Wāhi Taunoa' me 'Tīpakohia New Kōpaki'.

fix excel file step 5

I roto i te poto, hira taea hapa pirau kōnae puta i tetahi wa. Ka taea e kia ratou rawa hōhā mo te kaiwhakamahi. Heoi, i reira he kahore he take ki te manukanuka. He tikanga e wātea ana e taea te whakamahi mō te whakatika i ēnei hapa. Na, ki te kore i enei tikanga he Excel taputapu kōnae hanga pai rite pūmanawa Tapia Excel taea te whakamahi mō te pakaru pakaru kōnae Excel ki te whakatika i nga hapa pirau.

Tapia Tuhinga Office

Tapia Kupu Kōnae +
  1. Tapia kōnae Word tūkinotia
  2. Tapia Kupu Tuhinga
  3. Hanga kōnae pirau Word
  4. ara Best ki Tapia kōnae Word
  5. Hanga Hapa MS Word
  6. Hanga Hapa Kōnae Kupu
  7. Hanga Kōnae Kupu Hapa whakangaromanga
Tapia Kōnae Excel +
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  2. Tapia kōnae Excel tūkinotia
  3. Tapia kōnae hāmate Excel
  4. Tapia Excel Hapa ngaro
  5. Hapa Excel Tapia
  6. e kore e taea e Tapia Excel Whakatūwhera
  7. Tapia Excel whakangaromanga Hapa
  8. Tapia Excel Hapa pānui
  9. Hanga Excel mutu Mahi
  10. Tapia Excel Pukamahi
  11. Hapa Tapia Program
  12. Tapia Excel 2017
  13. Hanga uaua Excel
  14. Hapa Kōnae Excel Tapia
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  17. kōnae abcxls Tapia
  18. Tapia kaupapa kōnae Excel
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