Me pēhea te ki te Tapia Kōnae Kāore utaina Mutu i Excel 2007

Kei te kore i reira whakakahore i te meka e Microsoft Excel ko te pūmanawa pai i roto i te ao mō ngā raraunga kōmaka me te whakarite. Heoi, ehara i te mea he whaipainga tino e tetahi totoro o te whakaaro. He he maha o hape me whakaraeraetanga. Ko te take he aha e taea kia kino te pukamahi Excel i roto i te tonu, hua i roto i te ngaronga pea o raraunga tenei. Na, ko te pire pakeke ki te horomia mo te iwi mā te whakamahi i MS Excel tenei. Aua'e, i reira ko te ara e taea e ratou ora ratou raraunga ngaro a kua kino hanga kōnae Excel .

Heoi, i mua i te mahi koe e, i ki matau i te hapa e meinga kōnae i te Excel e kore utaina rawa koutou. I roto i tenei take, kua, e kore kōnae utaina rawa te karere hapa i roto i Excel 2007. Ko te whai ake ko etahi o nga take he aha tenei i taea e kua puta.

Ko te take tino noa mo te ahua o te karere hapa 'kōnae Kāore utaina Mutu i Excel 2007' ko e i putanga katoa o MS Excel tukua i mua ki a MS Excel 2007 he hakari herenga i roto i a ratou. E kore e taea e ratou te pānui i neke atu i te 255 ngā taurangi. Na, ki te hiahia koe ki te whakatuwhera i tētahi kōnae .CSV nui ki te putanga tawhito, e kore e whakatuwhera te reira ranei te uta i tino me te karere hapa e whai ake e kia hanga.

Part 1: Me pēhea te ki te Tapia te Kōnae kino Excel Ā-

Tuku MS Excel koe te whai wāhi ki te ā hanga hāmate kōnae Excel . Here he pehea e taea e koe i te reira.

taahiraa 1. Press 'Open' i muri i te pēhi i te tahua 'Kōnae'.

taahiraa 2. Kōwhiritia te kōnae Excel huaketo i te pouaka kōrero 'Open' e puta.

taahiraa 3. Press te 'Open me Tapia' kōwhiringa i te tahua taka-iho e puta i muri i kua aki koe i te pere kei tata te pātene 'Open'.

taahiraa 4. Tangohia tetahi tetahi o nga mahi e whai ake nei:

Wāhanga 2: Kōnae Tapi MS Excel ki Tool Tapia Excel

Tamata MS Excel ki te hanga aunoa kōnae hāmate. Heoi, i te reira te nuinga kore ki te ora i tetahi raraunga. I roto i ngā take pēnei, ko te mea pai ki te mahi i te mea ki te hanga whakamahi o te taputapu hanga Excel mo te whakaaro o te whakatika pukamahi kino. Ko te ara pai ki te hanga kino kōnae Excel. He nga āhuatanga e taea te whakamahi ki te hanga i te pukamahi kino ki te humarie hope te taputapu hanga. Heoi, he mea nui ki te whiriwhiri i te taputapu hanga Excel te paari. Me e koutou anake tīpako i taua taputapu hanga e homai e te hua pai taea. I te wa o nāianei, e taputapu hanga ko te Tool Tapia Stellar Phoenix Excel .

1. Overview o Stellar Phoenix Excel Tapia

Oranga Tapia Phoenix Excel ko te taputapu hanga Excel runga-tauanga me tino pai-tūtohu. Ko te take hoki tenei ko e taea hanga reira he pukamahi kino i roto i te tikanga māmā, tōtika. Ka taea e hapai i te reira i tetahi momo o te karere hapa e whiua MS Excel ki reira. Te karere hapa, e kore kōnae utaina rawa i roto i Excel 2007 taea hoki te ngāwari whakaritea te whakamahi i tenei Excel taputapu hanga pai.

Microsoft Excel Repair Tool
  • Ora ahua katoa o te raraunga penapena i roto i pakaru hira kōnae pērā i tepu, ngā tūtohi, tātai, kōrero, whakaahua, me ētahi atu
  • Whakaora katoa o koutou kōnae Excel kino ki to ratou tu taketake.
  • Arokite i te kōnae Excel hanga ko i roto i te wā-tūturu, kite i te nui o te kōnae kua ora ake rite kei te hanga ana i te reira.
  • ahua katoa o MS hapa tari pirau (mo XLS me ngā kōnae xlsx anake) e taea te whawha ki tenei taputapu.
  • Ka taea te whakamahi i tēnei taputapu kōnae hanga Excel i runga i rua matapihi me tüäpapa Mac i roto i te tikanga ki te hanga kino kaka kōnae.
  • ahua katoa o MS hapa tari pirau (mo XLS me ngā kōnae xlsx anake) e taea te whawha ki tenei taputapu.
  • Ka taea e tēnei taputapu kōnae hanga Excel hanga kōnae tūkinotia o putanga katoa i 2000 ki te 2016 e ngā 2000, 2003, 2007, 2010, 2013, me ētahi atu

2. kaupae Simple ki te hanga i te kino Excel

Tenei ko te aratohu taahiraa-i te-taahiraa e ka haere koe i roto i te tukanga o te whakatika i te kōnae Excel kino te whakamahi i te pūmanawa Tapia Excel .

Hipanga 1 Pāwhiritia enei kōwhiringa e toru ki te tīpako kino kōnae Excel i te puku, me te rapu

repair Excel file not loaded completely step 1

Hipanga 2 I muri rapu i te puku, whakaatu katoa kōnae Excel kino nga nga section.Chooes hua tīmata te kōnae ūnga ki te whakatika preocess.

repair Excel file not loaded completely step 2

Hipanga 3 arokite e hanga ana kōnae i tīpakohia i te rārangi i roto i te pae maui.

repair Excel file not loaded completely step 3

Hipanga 4 Hei whakaora i te kōnae Excel, tīpako i te tauwāhi i pai koe.

repair Excel file not loaded completely step 4


Ki te hiahia koe ki te karo i te taea o te pirau Excel pukamahi , na ka whai koe ki te tango i te tiaki o te tahi mau mea. Hoki tauira, ka tutakina iho tou pūnaha, kia tino e tetahi o koutou kōnae Excel e tuwhera. Ano, E te wheori kaha tāuta i runga i tou pūnaha e taupau koutou kōnae Excel i whakaeke huaketo.

Ka taea e te tohutohu e whai ake nei kia o uara ki a koutou, ki te mea e rapu ana koutou ki te hanga i tētahi kōnae Excel kino me kahore o te tahi atu koutou tikanga ki te ora i mahi raraunga.

Tapia Tuhinga Office

Tapia Kupu Kōnae +
  1. Tapia kōnae Word tūkinotia
  2. Tapia Kupu Tuhinga
  3. Hanga kōnae pirau Word
  4. ara Best ki Tapia kōnae Word
  5. Hanga Hapa MS Word
  6. Hanga Hapa Kōnae Kupu
  7. Hanga Kōnae Kupu Hapa whakangaromanga
Tapia Kōnae Excel +
  1. Tapia Kōnae Excel
  2. Tapia kōnae Excel tūkinotia
  3. Tapia kōnae hāmate Excel
  4. Tapia Excel Hapa ngaro
  5. Hapa Excel Tapia
  6. e kore e taea e Tapia Excel Whakatūwhera
  7. Tapia Excel whakangaromanga Hapa
  8. Tapia Excel Hapa pānui
  9. Hanga Excel mutu Mahi
  10. Tapia Excel Pukamahi
  11. Hapa Tapia Program
  12. Tapia Excel 2017
  13. Hanga uaua Excel
  14. Hapa Kōnae Excel Tapia
  15. Tapia Excel 2013
  16. Tapia Hapa Excel UI
  17. kōnae abcxls Tapia
  18. Tapia kaupapa kōnae Excel
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