Cum de a recupera date de la un Corupt Workbook

Microsoft Excel este o bucată strălucitoare de software care o face extrem de ușor pentru oameni să gestioneze, să analizeze sau partaja rapoarte și informații mai rapid și mai ușor decât oricând. Modul în care Excel organizează datele face ușor de a vizualiza și de a lua decizii importante. Prin utilizarea Microsoft Excel veți obține pentru a revizui și de a modifica datele dvs. folosind nu numai computer, dar, de asemenea, tableta sau smartphone.

Nu se întâmplă foarte des, dar atunci când o face, nu este o experiență plăcută pentru a trece prin. Un registru de lucru Excel poate ruina ziua în cazul în care devine corupt, care se poate întâmpla din diverse motive. Să verificăm câteva motive, de ce tu sau altcineva ar dori să recupereze date Excel.

Part 1: Free Download Excel File Repair Tool

Stellar Phoenix Excel Repair is the solution for anyone that is dealing with a corrupted excel workbook. This powerful piece of software can recover entirely any corrupted Excel file. The way that Stellar Phoenix works is that it scans your corrupted excel file piece by piece and repairs in order to recover excel data, until your file is completely recovered.

Stellar Phoenix is designed to recover corrupted workbook and is armed with some powerful tools; here are some of the main features:

Microsoft Excel Repair Tool
  • Recovers all kind of data stored in damaged excel file such as tables, charts, formulas, comments, images, etc.
  • Restore all of your corrupted excel files to their original standing.
  • Preview the repaired excel file in real-time,see how much of the file has been recovered as it is being repaired.
  • All kind of MS office corruption errors (for XLS and XLSX files only) can be handled with this tool.
  • This excel file repair tool can be used on both windows and Mac platforms in order to repair corrupt excel file.
  • All kind of MS office corruption errors (for XLS and XLSX files only) can be handled with this tool.
  • This excel file repair tool can repair damaged files of all versions from 2000 to 2016 that includes 2000, 2003, 2007, 2010, 2013, etc.

Part 2: Solution to Recover Data from a Corrupted Workbook

Now let’s review a simple guide of how to recover corrupt workbook.First, run the Excel repair tool. Once it’s opened go to the top left corner of your screen and click the Add file button to add your corrupted Excel file.

Step 1 Click the Select File option and locate the corrupted file and open it. If you have multiple corrupted files or you can click the Select Folder option to recover multiple corrupted files.

recover data from workbook step 1

Step 2 After you have located your corrupted Excel File, click the Scan button which is located at the bottom of the window.

recover data from workbook step 2

Step 3 Wait for the software to do its magic. Once it finishes you will have a preview of your recovered corrupted workbook.

recover data from workbook step 3

Step 4 Now just review the result of the repair and if you are happy with it just go at the top left corner of the screen and click the Save option.

recover data from workbook step 4

Overall, the Stellar Phoenix Excel repair tool does its job very well, recovering almost any type of Excel file depending on your Operating system and MS Excel version. And if you are thinking of using it for the first time, you can even try it free to get proof that it actually works before making a purchase. This piece of software is a must have for anyone that is working with MS Excel. When Excel fails and your file gets corrupted your entire work is in danger and a lot of people start from the beginning. But with the help of this software you don’t have to anymore.

Some tips for any user:

Recuperare fișier Office

Repararea fișier Excel +
  1. Repararea Excel Eroare neașteptată
  2. Fix MS Office Excel
  3. Eroare de reparare Excel sarcină
  4. Reparații Excel Format
  5. Excel Recovery Software-ul
  6. Recuperare Grafice Excel
  7. Recuperare Excel Articole
  8. Recuperare Excel corupte
  9. Reparare Excel nu se poate deschide
  10. Recuperare de date Workbook
  11. Eroare Remedierea Excel
  12. Fix Error Excel
  13. Recuperare eroare Excel
  14. Repara corupt fișier Excel
  15. Fix Formule Excel
Reparatii Word fișiere +
  1. Recuperare Word 2013
  2. File de reparare Word intrerupt
  3. Reparare Doc și fișierul Doc
  4. Reparatii MS Word Fișiere
  5. Depanarea documentele deteriorate
  6. Instrumentul de recuperare Word
  7. Recuperare text Word
  8. Restaurare Cap și subsol
  9. Repair Crash Word fișier
  10. Repara corupt Docx fișier
  11. Recuperare fișier Office
  12. Fix fișiere Word criptate
  13. Fix Word fișier
  14. Eroare de reparare Codare
  15. Recuperare Word Pictures
  16. Reparatii Asociații Word
Eroare Fix fișier Excel +
  1. Fix Excel nu poate citi
  2. Fix Error Excel 1004
  3. Fix Error Excel 13
  4. Eroare Fix obiect
  5. Fix Excel 2007
  6. Fix Excel Failure Error
  7. Fix Excel Clipboard Error
  8. Fix Excel Pate Error
  9. Fix Freezes Excel File
  10. Fix Excel Cannot Open
  11. Fix Excel Document
Fix Excel File Error+
  1. Repair Word Error
  2. Fix Word File Content
  3. Fix Word File Failed to Save
  4. Fix Word 2007
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